Great Mobile Apps

延昌生活服務 v20150515
Great Mobile
[社區服務]--關心您食衣住行娛樂的生活服務管家--●線上社區大樓公告查詢及掛號信件通知●社區大樓之活動訊息與花絮剪影●線上報修服務與社區大樓意見反映●房屋租售物業服務公告●社區大樓團購優惠[健康照護]--全家人健康管理--● 異常信息:當發生異常事件時,您將會立即收到訊息通知。● 量測記錄:顯示由設備上傳的量測資訊 (血壓、血糖、血氧、體重體脂、運動計步)。● 定位救援/活動區域:失智者走失定位。● 事件提醒:提供吃藥與回診提醒,設定後定時同步至手錶中。[生活資訊]--掌握生活即時訊息--● APP使用者可以獲得保險新聞訊息,以及卡優網的優惠活動訊息,內容包含健康、理財、美食、旅遊等豐富的資訊等您來發掘。[CommunityServices]- Letting your entertainment life care Butler -● Building online community bulletin inquiry notice by registeredmail● activities and tidbits of information community buildingsilhouette● online repair service and community buildings Feedback● Housing rental property service bulletin● Community building buy discount[Health care] - family health management -● Exception information: When an abnormal event occurs, you willimmediately receive a notification message.● Measurement Records: Showing measurement information uploadedfrom the device (blood pressure, blood sugar, blood oxygen, weight,body fat, exercise pedometer).● Positioning Rescue / activity areas: dementia who lostpositioning.● Event Reminder: back to the clinic and provide medicationreminders, after setting the timing synchronization to watch.[Life News] - Knowledge of Life IM -● Offer News APP users can obtain insurance information message, aswell as excellent network card, contents included health, finance,food, tourism and other wealth of information waiting for you toexplore.
理財計算機 1.0
Great Mobile
理財計算機 是一款免費的輔助型軟體,且將會陸續開放其它強大的功能目前剛開放的功能:- 理財計算機可以作房貸、定存、基金、標會等試算功能
大誠保險經紀人陳天一 1.0
Great Mobile
大誠保險經紀人陳天一1.打造專屬個人的APP,包含上架APP、專屬底圖、配色。2.提供完整功能模板,開發期程短,能快速上線。3.強大的後台管理功能,透過一般行政人員從系統進行資料輸入即完成App資料更新,有效減低維護成本。4.可自訂APP基本六大功能名稱 及 彈性自訂類別。5.APP內容支援7大類顯示格式(PDF、圖檔、網頁連結、HTML格式、 純文字、自訂格式、表格格式) 。6.70%以上功能支援離線操作。7.結合Google(GCM)推播機制,可即時發佈公開性訊息或私人訊息。8.提供推播Web服務,可結合內部系統進行即時訊息發佈。Tianyi Chen DachengInsurance Brokers1 to create exclusive individual APP, contains shelves APP,exclusive basemap, color.2 provides the full functionality of a template, Development periodis short, fast on-line.3. Strong background in management, through the normaladministrative staff from the system data entry is complete Appupdate, effectively reducing maintenance costs.4 Customizable APP six basic functions and flexibility of a customclass names.5.APP content display format supports seven categories (PDF,graphic, web links, HTML, plain text, custom formatting, tableformat).More than 6.70% functional support offline operation.7 combines Google (GCM) push mechanism, instant messages or privatemessages published openness.8. Provide push Web services can be combined with internal instantmessaging system release.
行動知識雲 1.4
Great Mobile
免費閱讀財經新聞、國際重要時事、重點經濟數據以及創意新知的終極應用程式「行動知識雲」是一款全新型態的知識型資訊閱讀應用程式,它能讓您在一天24小時當中,隨時隨地免費閱讀對於您個人增廣見聞、面對客戶、處理公司內部組織等有用的資訊,不僅可以協助個人掌握新知,也可在客戶與主管面前更具各項議題的發語能力【行動知識雲的主要特點】(1)世界財經周報:每周更新世界重要財經要聞。現今各項媒體資訊發達,資訊數量爆炸,藏在資訊豐富性優點的背後對於資訊閱讀者而言已成為壓力。行動知識雲中的世界財經周報,為您擷取每周20~30則的重點財經要聞,運用友善閱讀的排版方式,協助您快速掌握財經時事(2)重點經濟數據:經濟數據變動對於專業的您而言有許多具有價值的用處,如進行理財規劃分析、面對客戶論述您資產配置的策略等。行動知識雲為您整理國內外重點經濟數據,以便於閱讀的趨勢圖形方式呈現,協助您快速掌握經濟趨勢脈動(3)古文詩詞:中華文化淵遠流長,不僅文字精美,其中更隱含無窮盡知哲理。行動知識雲為您蒐集並簡要整理中華古文詩詞、出處、意涵,讓您可沉浸於偉大中華文化的世界。(4)創意新知:21世紀是所有人發揮創意的時代,一個能被消費者接受的創意往往可以帶來超乎您想像的利潤。然而創意的來源可能隨時出現在您身邊,只因稍不留意機會就隨風而逝。行動知識雲提供當今全球各項有趣的創意新知,讓您在最輕鬆的情況下閱讀,配合上您與生俱來的專長,希望可以讓您的人生充滿無限想像空間Free to read financialnews, major international events, key economic data as well as theultimate creative application of new knowledge"Action knowledge cloud" is a new, knowledge-based informationreading patterns application, which allows you to them 24 hours aday, go for free to read your personal broaden their horizons, tocustomers, deal with internal organizations useful The informationcan not only help individuals master new knowledge, but also moreof the issues in front of customers and competent hairProficiencyThe main features of action knowledge cloud] (1) World financial weekly: Weekly update the world's majorfinancial news. Today the media information developed, the numberof information explosion, hiding behind a wealth of information forthe benefits of information has become a pressure reading areconcerned. Action knowledge in the cloud world financial weekly foryou to capture 20 to 30 per week in Key Financial Highlights, use afriendly typography reading, to help you quickly master FINANCENewsletter (2) Key economic data: economic change data for professionalpurposes that you have many valuable uses, such as financialplanning analysis, customer-facing discuss your asset allocationstrategy and so on. Action cloud knowledge for you to order keyeconomic data at home and abroad, in order to read graphicalrepresentation of trends to help you quickly grasp the pulse ofeconomic trends (3) Classical Chinese Poetry: Yuan Yuan of Chinese culture long,not just fine words, which also implies endless philosophical know.Action cloud knowledge you gather and organize brief classicalChinese poetry, provenance, meaning, so you can immerse yourself inthe great Chinese culture in the world. (4) Creative Awakening: The 21st century is the era of creativityfor all, a creative consumer acceptance can often bring profitsbeyond your imagination. However, innovative sources may at anytime on your side, because the viewer is not watching theopportunity to wind. Action cloud providers today's globalknowledge of the interesting ideas of new knowledge, allowing youto read the most relaxed situation, with your innate expertise,hope can make your life full of boundless imagination
輔英科技大學行動選課系統 1.0
Great Mobile
mAgent行動華佗(Wifi版) 1.1
Great Mobile
無撥號功能(3G)搜不到 的特別版此應用程式安裝開啟後可直接下載安裝 mAgent行動華陀mAgent主要功能說明mAgent是一款提供給壽險專業顧問的軟體,將客戶資料透過行動平台帶著走,一手掌握自己的行程,隨時了解客戶狀態,不論何時何地,精準回答客戶問題,創造業績的高峰。行程管理_時間管理的秘訣來自mAgent利用mAgent有效率地查詢客戶訪談安排,讓您輕鬆管理行程。可利用「生日」、「繳費」以及「訪談」模式,快速抓出需要安排行程的客戶。客戶管理_mAgent讓您客戶帶著走支援強大客戶管理系統,讓您幾乎忘記是在手機操作,不但輕易抓住您的客戶,還幫您找到淺在的客群。可針對客戶個人資料、公司資料、家屬資料及訪談紀錄幫您做管理,您同時可透過資料下載功能,下載保單資料及基金資料讓您瀏覽,輕鬆幫您管理客戶資料。資料下載_帶著mAgent翱翔天際吧mAgent同時支援多家保險公司保戶資料下載及轉入mAgent行動華佗,讓您省略重新輸入資料的寶貴時間!透過網路,您的保戶資料隨時跟著您。目前支援:南山人壽三商美邦安聯PDA幸福人壽遠雄人壽超級華佗(SIC)壽險華佗(PCS)
FWinner基金贏家 1.5
Great Mobile
【基金贏家軟體特色】「基金贏家」能讓基金投資人快速瀏覽基金即時資訊,並提供良好的投資組合選擇。獨家的「基金手續費」功能,提供基金投資人針對「單檔基金」,以網路下單 或臨櫃等方式,在不同的機構之手續費用進行查詢比較,有效降低投資費用。另外,「基金龍虎榜」功能,則針對國內/海外基金的短、中、長期績效排名,提供基金投資人參考查詢。當然,「基金贏家」也彙整國內/海外基金最新淨值、走勢圖及投資績效等資訊,並搭配「我的最愛」功能,方便基金投資人進行群組式管理,快速做出自己的投資組合。【基金贏家功能介紹】✔全部/國內/海外基金:提供基金最新淨值、走勢圖及投資績效等資訊。✔基金手續費:提供各機構銷售基金之手續費用(如:管理費、保管費、申購費、贖回費、轉換費 等),依不同購買方式(網路下單 或 臨櫃...)進行查詢。✔基金龍虎榜:針對國內/海外基金的短、中、長期績效排名,提供基金投資人參考查詢。✔我的最愛:自選基金追蹤,並整合「基金龍虎榜」及「全部/國內/海外基金」功能,方便不同角度分析時機,隨時追蹤投資組合狀態。✔基金新聞:整合數項國內知名基金資訊新聞平台,方便基金投資人即時掌握最新投資動態。
FWinner基金贏家(Wifi版) 1.1
Great Mobile
無撥號功能(3G)搜不到 的特別版此應用程式安裝開啟後可直接下載安裝 FWinner基金贏家【基金贏家軟體特色】「基金贏家」能讓基金投資人快速瀏覽基金即時資訊,並提供良好的投資組合選擇。獨家的「基金手續費」功能,提供基金投資人針對「單檔基金」,以網路下單或臨櫃等方式,在不同的機構之手續費用進行查詢比較,有效降低投資費用。另外,「基金龍虎榜」功能,則針對國內/海外基金的短、中、長期績效排名,提供基金投資人參考查詢。當然,「基金贏家」也彙整國內/海外基金最新淨值、走勢圖及投資績效等資訊,並搭配「我的最愛」功能,方便基金投資人進行群組式管理,快速做出自己的投資組合。【基金贏家功能介紹】✔全部/國內/海外基金:提供基金最新淨值、走勢圖及投資績效等資訊。✔基金手續費:提供各機構銷售基金之手續費用(如:管理費、保管費、申購費、贖回費、轉換費 等),依不同購買方式(網路下單 或臨櫃...)進行查詢。✔基金龍虎榜:針對國內/海外基金的短、中、長期績效排名,提供基金投資人參考查詢。✔我的最愛:自選基金追蹤,並整合「基金龍虎榜」及「全部/國內/海外基金」功能,方便不同角度分析時機,隨時追蹤投資組合狀態。✔基金新聞:整合數項國內知名基金資訊新聞平台,方便基金投資人即時掌握最新投資動態。
IFP理財購物網 1.0
Great Mobile
Queen 精品咖啡 3.0
Great Mobile
專門為對咖啡興趣的人設計的交流APP內容有QRS介紹 介紹Queen烘焙研究系統 發展現況業界活動 推廣系統活動的說明及活動花絮烘焙園地 機友們的分享園地精品咖啡 有關咖啡的知識,店家專欄QRS據點 Queen烘焙研究系統 的銷售服務據點展覽教學 使用Queen烘焙研究系統的店家或玩家提供使用教學環境名錄FaceBook Queen烘焙研究系統 FB官方網站 及其他合作店家FB網站推播好康 及時推播訊息提醒有新的消息發布烘豆是不可逆的過程,.....烘焙中『關鍵時刻』得靠烘焙師個人經驗, 憑嗅覺和聽覺下判斷,烘焙過程中曲折的瞬間,常常是稍縱即逝,令人扼腕 。烘焙師努力追求『完美的烘焙曲線』, 期待能透過自己的烘焙技藝喚醒每一只咖啡獨有的產區風味靈魂。Q.R.S. (Queen Roaster System) Queen烘焙研究系統 時代來臨....烘焙如時光一般不可逆,卻可藉由烘焙曲線(履歷)去追朔烘焙過程中的每個環節,我們導入P.D.C.A(計畫/執行/檢核/改善)的品管改善流程加以循環優化。Q.R.S.烘焙研究系統 能看見烘焙當中即時的溫、濕度與烘焙參數變化,系統對舊曲線(計畫)與新狀態(執行)進行即時運算,提供預警,導航,相似度比對…等烘焙輔助功能,對烘焙結果進行檢核與改善流程。以研發跟生產品管而言,能穩定的再現相似度,便可大量降低烘焙的風險與成本Specifically designed foranyone interested in the coffee exchange APP        Contents QRS who introduced Queen Baking research systems developmentstatusIndustry activities to promote system activity description &EventsCorner Bakery Corner machine friends to shareSpecialty coffee and coffee-related knowledge, stores columnSales Branches QRS stronghold Queen baking systematic studyResearch shows teaching system using Queen baking stores or playersusing the teaching environment directoryFaceBook Queen Baking Research Systems FB official website andother partner stores FB websitePush Push goodies timely reminder message new news releaseBaked beans is irreversible process, .....Baking in the "critical moment" bakers rely on personal experience,with the sense of smell and hearing judge under baking processtortuous moments, often fleeting, distraught.Bakers strive for "the perfect baking curve," expect to wake upeach producing a unique flavor of coffee only soul through his ownbaking skills.QRS (Queen Roaster System) Queen Baking Research Systems era....Baking time is generally irreversible, such as, but it can be bakedcurve (CV) to be traced in every aspect of the baking process, weimport the PDCA (plan / execute / vetting / improvement) processesto improve quality control loop optimization.QRS baking research systems able to see them instant bakingtemperature, humidity and baking parameters, the system on the oldcurve (plan) and the new state (execution) for immediate operation,provide early warning, navigation, similarity than ... other bakedAccessibility of baking results vetting and improvingprocesses.R & D is concerned with the production and quality control,stable reproduction of similarity, can significantly reduce therisk and cost of baking
行動盈家POS@BOSS 2.1
Great Mobile
1. 雲端報表 即時掌握 :手機在任何可上傳的地點,隨時檢視各式營運報表,讓您輕輕鬆鬆掌握店內銷售狀況。2. 專業報表 多元管理 :多元化的營運分析報表,包含銷售業績、商品排行及用餐人數等量化資訊,協助您在決策時,提供重要的數據分析。3. 提供完整銷售報表分析,隨時掌握營運績效,以適時調整策略。4. 查看報表需要權限,營運資訊安全又保密。5. 所有報表可匯成 csv格式,方便主管歸檔統計。6. 雲端同步系統,有網路之處,即可取得營運狀況。1. Cloud statementsimmediately grasp:    Phone at any location can be uploaded atany time to view a variety of operational reporting, allowing youto easily grasp the store sales.2. Professional diverse management reports:    Diversified operational analysis reports,including sales, product ranking and quantify the number of mealsand other information to assist you in    When making decisions, providing importantdata analysis.3. To provide a complete analysis of sales reports, to keepoperating performance, to adjust the strategy timely.4. need permission to view the report, trading information safe andconfidential.5. All reports can be merged into a csv format for easy archivingstatistics director.6. cloud synchronization system, there is at the network, theoperating conditions can be achieved.
太陽保經 2.6
Great Mobile
蕭良材南和里健康營造 1.2
Great Mobile
蕭良材南和里健康營造1.打造專屬個人的APP,包含上架APP、專屬底圖、配色。2.提供完整功能模板,開發期程短,能快速上線。3.強大的後台管理功能,透過一般行政人員從系統進行資料輸入即完成App資料更新,有效減低維護成本。4.可自訂APP基本六大功能名稱 及 彈性自訂類別。5.APP內容支援7大類顯示格式(PDF、圖檔、網頁連結、HTML格式、 純文字、自訂格式、表格格式) 。6.70%以上功能支援離線操作。7.結合Google(GCM)推播機制,可即時發佈公開性訊息或私人訊息。8.提供推播Web服務,可結合內部系統進行即時訊息發佈。Shaw in health and creategood timber South1 to create exclusive individual APP, containing shelves APP,exclusive basemap, color.2 provides the full functionality of the template, development ofthe process is short, quick on-line.3 strong background management functions through the normaladministrative staff for data input from the system update iscompleted App effectively reduce maintenance costs.4 can customize the basic six functions APP custom class names andflexibility.5.APP content support seven categories of display formats (PDF,image file, web links, HTML, plain text, custom format, tableformat).More than 6.70% functional support offline operation.7 combined with Google (GCM) push mechanism, instant messages orprivate messages published openness.8 provides push Web services can be combined with internal instantmessaging system release.
行動秘書MBA 1.4
Great Mobile
智盟科技行動秘書MBA主要功能有:公司介紹,最新消息,業務團隊,電子報,推播, EZ528粉絲團業務專區有 產品帳號查詢,銷售查詢UNITA secretary MBAScience and Technology ActionMain features are: company, latest news, business team,newsletters, push, EZ528 fan groupThere are products business area account inquiries, salesinquiries
愛家IFamily 1.4
Great Mobile
全新體驗! 免費下載! 母父安全,子女安心,掌握即時訊息。(需搭配「第二代 銀髮安全天使照護手機手錶」。--父母安全--● 提供配戴者單鍵撥打緊急求救電話及內建設定之親情號碼通話,快速取得語音協助。● 配戴者撥打電話求救時,以WIFI/GPS/GPRS/AGPS技術定位,更加縮短尋找親人的等待時間。● 提供吃藥回診提醒,讓銀髮族不再忘記吃藥的貼心小幫手。● 提供天氣資訊、穿衣提醒,讓長老們隨時掌握天氣變化。● 單鍵藍芽量測,可簡易啟動並記錄健康記錄。(血壓、血糖、血氧、體重體脂、運動計步)--子女安心--申請者可透過本APP軟體,透過指定帳號登入雲端系統軟體使用。專屬帳號的使用磁碟空間供申請者/使用者自行上網設定、儲存、變更、查詢(如歷史記錄查詢、吃藥提醒、醫院回診等)。生理量測之資料儲存及圖表統計(如血壓量測統計表等,本系統僅提供資訊供醫療互動使用,不負責醫護責任,醫護部分由他系統提供)本軟體功能如下:● 帳戶安全:專屬使用帳號,提升個資安全,並享有更多的加值服務。● 異常信息:當發生異常事件時,您將會立即收到訊息通知。● 訊息記錄:系統將會主動告知「個人訊息、安全訊息、系統訊息」。● 快速加入:可使用QR-code快速加入關心設備。● 配戴資料:配戴者個人基本資料,提供照片上傳及緊急/親情電話設定。● 設備資訊:設備服務狀態:關機、同步、電量、目前位置等。● 量測記錄:顯示由設備上傳的量測資訊,有助於你了解家人的健康趨勢。(血壓、血糖、血氧、體重體脂、運動計步)。● 定位救援:運用WIFI/GPS/AGPS定位技術,提供更精確的定位資訊。● 活動區域:運用WIFI/GPS/AGPS定位技術,提供最後6小時的定位資訊。● 服務記錄:記錄單一用戶 求救事件、跌倒事件、離家事件、通話事件。● 通話速播:可快撥指定手錶門號,讓溝通更加無距離。● 事件提醒:提供5組吃藥提醒,2組回診提醒,設定後定時同步至手錶中。● 貼心設定:可遠端設定手錶各項參數。(量測上下限、通話限制、硬體設定、跌倒設定、離家設定)以上功能,需搭配【第二代 銀髮安全使照護手機手錶】使用 !!--掌握即時訊息--APP使用者可以獲得保險新聞訊息,以及卡優網的優惠活動訊息,讓您在照顧長輩的同時,也能即時掌握最新的好消息。內容包含健康、理財、美食、旅遊等豐富的資訊等您來發掘。● 保險新聞:提供健康、產險、理財、保險的動態即時新聞。● 卡好康:提供各家銀行所提供個優惠活動,內容包括信用卡優惠、旅遊資訊、購物優惠等8項新消息。New experience! Freedownload! Mother Father security, children feel at ease, masteredinstant messages.(To be with "second-generation mobile phone watch Seniors SafetyAngel Care."- Parents Safety -● provide wearers family number one-touch dial emergency calls andbuilt-in set of calls, voice quickly obtain assistance.● call for help when the wearer to WIFI / GPS / GPRS / AGPStechnology positioning, more shorten the waiting time to find theirloved ones.● provide medication reminders back to the clinic, so that seniorsno longer forgotten medication intimate small helper.● provide weather information, dressing reminder, let the elderskeep abreast of changes in the weather.● Speed ​​Bluetooth measurement can be easy to start and recordhealth records. (Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood oxygen, weight,body fat, exercise pedometer)- Children feel at ease -Applicants may through this APP software, login using a cloudsystem software through a designated account.Exclusive account of the use of disk space for application / userto set their own Internet access, store, change, query (such ashistory records check, medication reminders, hospital back to theclinic, etc.). Physiological measurement of data storage and chartstatistics (such as blood pressure measurement tables, etc., thesystem only provides interactive information for medical use, isnot responsible for the health care liability, health care partlyby his system)The software features are as follows:● Account Security: exclusive use of the account, to enhance acapital security, and enjoy more value-added services.● exception information: When an abnormal event occurs, you willimmediately receive a message notification.● Message Record: The system will take the initiative to inform the"personal message, safety messages, system messages."● Quick added: QR-code can be used to quickly join careequipment.● Wear Information: wearers basic personal information, uploadphotos and provide emergency / family phone settings.● Device Information: Device Service Status: shutdown,synchronization, power, current location.● Measurement Records: Showing measured by the device to uploadinformation to help you understand health trends family.(Blood pressure, blood sugar, blood oxygen, weight, body fat,exercise pedometer).● Positioning rescue: use WIFI / GPS / AGPS positioning technologyto provide more accurate positioning information.● Active area: the use of WIFI / GPS / AGPS positioning technologyto provide location information of the last six hours.● Service Record: record a single user distress event, fall event,ran the event, call event.● Call speed broadcast: You can specify the speed dial watches doornumber, make communication more no distance.● Event Reminder: 5 groups provide medication reminders, two groupsback to the clinic reminder, after setting the timingsynchronization to watch.● intimate setting: You can watch the remote setting theparameters. (Upper and lower measurement, call barring, hardwareconfiguration, fall setting, away from the set)Above functions, with [the second generation Seniors Safety in theCare Mobile Watch] use !!- Mastered instant messages -APP users can obtain insurance news and information, and specialoffers superior network message cards, allowing you toIn the care of their elders, but also be able to immediately graspthe latest good news. Content includes health, financial, Food, tourism and other wealth of information waiting for you todiscover.● Insurance News: health, property and casualty insurance, banking,insurance, dynamic real-time news.● card goodies: the banks offered to provide a preferentialactivities, including credit card offers, travel information,shopping discounts and other 8 new messages.
統一保經 1.1
Great Mobile
統一保經※ 企業願景為客戶的生涯發展量身訂製風險保障及財務目標規劃,使客戶的人生有財務安全閥,並有確定的步驟達到人生財務目標,達到財務自由的境地.(FinancialFree).※公司發展策略業務制度:財務顧問獨立自主發揮金融商品:可多元選擇,整合配置教育訓練:抓住金融派動行政支援:準確、迅速、安全團隊服務:顧問之間專業互助※ 保險經紀人的優勢代表客戶:險經紀人並非保險公司的業務人員,而是代表客戶與保險公司洽定契約的代表人,所以是站在客戶立場、尋求客戶利益、分析、規劃、並選擇最適合客戶個別需求的保單及後續理賠服務。Note.保險法第九條規定:『本法所稱保險經紀人,指基於被保險人之利益,洽定保險切約或提供相關服務,而收取佣金獲報酬之人。』※ 文化精神:(1)歷史悠久:成立於1993年5月(民國82年),為我國開放保險經、代公司成立初期成員之一。(2)專業團隊:在累積長期經營的經驗與經過蛻變後,擁有國際級保險經驗與豐富的團隊資源,透過多元化的行銷發展策略,依據客戶的需求,提供適合的解決方案,協助客戶有最周全且完整的資產配置及家庭保障。**國際財務顧問師認證(RFC)財務顧問師**國際認證 (FPS)財務規劃師**考試院人身保險經紀人國家考試合格**考試院人身保險代理人國家考試合格**金融研訓院理財規劃人員考試合格**金融研訓院信託人員考試合格**中國保險經紀人國家考試合格**中國國際認證理財規劃顧問(CFP)**國際認證理財規劃顧問(CFP)◎台北辦公室:台北市中山北路二段129號14樓之二電話:(02)2523-1618產品與服務:客戶家庭保障規劃, 資產保全規劃, 投資理財規劃, 退休規劃, 子女教育規劃, 財富傳承規劃,金融保險資訊諮詢Unified Insurance Brokers※ corporate vision For the career development of customer tailored riskprotection and financial planning goals, enabling customers to havea financial safety valve life, and have determined the steps toachieve financial goals in life, achieve financial freedomsituation. (Financial Free). ※ Company's development strategy Business system: independent financial advisers play Financial Instruments: Multiple choice can integrateconfiguration Education and Training: move to seize financial pie Administrative Support: accurate, rapid, safe Team Services: Professional assistance between theconsultant ※ insurance broker advantage On behalf of clients: insurance brokers insurance companiesare not business people, but on behalf of the customer and theinsurance company negotiated contract representative, it is thecustomers stand to seek the interests of customers, analysis,planning, and choose the most suitable individual needs ofcustomers policy and subsequent claims service. . Note Insurance Law Article IX provides that: "this Actinsurance brokers, means based on the interests of the insured, theinsurer cut negotiated contract or provide related services, andreceive a commission for remuneration of the people. " ※ cultural spirit: (1) a long history:Founded in May 1993 (82 years), the insurance for our open by, onbehalf of the company established one of the early members. (2) Professional team:Cumulative long-term business experience and after transformation,has a world class team of insurance experience and a wealth ofresources through diversified marketing strategy, based on customerneeds, provide appropriate solutions to help customers with themost comprehensive and complete asset Configuration and familyprotection.** International Financial Consultant Certification (RFC) FinancialConsultants* International Certification (FPS) Financial PlannersExamination Yuan ** National Life Insurance brokerexaminationLife Insurance Agent Examination Yuan ** State examinationAcademy of Banking ** financial planners examinationAcademy Trust ** financial officer examination* China Insurance Brokers National examination* China International Certified Financial Planning Consultants(CFP) * Certified Financial Planning Consultants (CFP) ◎ Taipei Office: 14th Floor of the Chung Shan North Road,Taipei 129 II Phone: (02) 2523-1618Products and Services:Customers family protection planning, asset protection planning,finance and investment planning, retirement planning, children'seducation planning, wealth, inheritance planning, finance andinsurance information counseling
KTU高市教師工會 2.1
Great Mobile
高雄市教師職業工會APP提供會員最新教育相關訊息和「特約商店」、「會員獨享」之各項生活便利優惠及「好康市集」線上購物服務,歡迎下載使用。Kaohsiungteachers'professional union APP provides the latesteducation-related postsand members of "special shops" to facilitatethe life of promotionsand "goodies Marketplace" online shoppingservice "members only",the welcome to download.
保險花路米 2.1
Great Mobile
保險大師 2.5
Great Mobile
雲端華佗 1.3
Great Mobile
『ICS雲端華佗』為您在外奔波的保險經紀生涯創造更即時快速以及便利的服務!透過雲端華佗,出外旅遊也不怕保險資訊漏接,動態隨時展示建議書、組合保險商品..以及為客戶做保單健診,甚至可接收公司所發的公告通知,為您的工作型態打造您專屬的雲端服務。本雲端華佗不僅為保險經紀顧問服務,同時是保險經紀顧問與保險經紀公司間的橋樑,保險經紀公司可將保險組合建議置入, 公司各據點的保險經紀顧問即可輕鬆運用,省時省力省成本!隨時隨地給予您的客戶最即時便利的滿意服務。商智資訊股份有限公司• 涵蓋系統平台:Web版、PC版、App版(iOS、Android)• 全方位保險理財顧問系統(超級華佗、雲端華佗、行動華佗…等)使用者逾10萬• 保經公司(台大、華瀚、太陽)及個人App廣獲好評• 參與包括SBIR及雲端計畫…等多項政府相關研發計畫• 專案開發與標準化商品行銷兩者經驗兼具"ICS Cloud Hua" foryourtravel, insurance broker career to create a more immediate andfastconvenient service!Hua through the cloud, not afraid to travel abroadInsuranceInformation bobble, dynamic display such proposals,portfolioinsurance product ..And policies for customers to do health clinic, evenreceivingannouncement issued by the company, for your work patternstocreate your own cloud services.The Cloud Hua not only for insurance brokerageconsultingservices, while the bridge is an insurance broker andconsultantbetween insurance brokers,Insurance broker may recommend a combination of insurance intothecompany each base insurance broker consultant can easilyuse,time-saving cost-saving time!Give your customers the most satisfied with theservicefacilitate immediate anytime, anywhere.Suppliers wisdom Information Co., Ltd.• Covers Platform: Web version, PC version, App version(iOS,Android)• a full range of insurance and financial advisor system(super-Hua,Hua cloud, mobile Hua ... etc.) more than 100,000users• Paul by the company (National Taiwan University, Hua Han Sun)wideacclaim and personal App• participation, including SBIR program and the cloud ... andmanyother government-related R & D program• Project development and standardization of bothcommoditymarketing experience both
玩豆坊(APP) 2017/02/06
Great Mobile
您可使用「玩豆坊行動APP」,以隨身咖啡藝廊體驗 [ Queen Roaster System ] 所烘焙的精品咖啡,連結至玩豆坊相關網站,汲取更多的咖啡知識。「玩豆坊行動APP」除了提供最新 豆單查詢,還有咖啡風味說明、咖啡知識分享、心情故事與咖啡藝廊等服務。另有「玩豆坊會員版APP」會員購物服務,藉由行動APP 分享喜愛的咖啡與資訊,送給親愛的家人與好友,傳遞您誠摯的心意!You can use the "PlayPlace beans APP action" to carry Coffee GalleryExperience [Queen Roaster System] are roasted specialtycoffee,Place beans links to related sites to play, learn more coffeeknowledge."Fair play bean action APP" In addition to providing the latestbeans single query,There are coffee flavor description, coffee knowledge sharing,story with art galleries and coffee services.Another "Fair Play Bean version APP members' membership shoppingservices,By sharing your favorite coffee APP action and information, gavedear family and friends, transfer your sincere mind!
Queen 烘焙研究系統 1.5
Great Mobile
QRS APP 版實現了!好方便。在手機上看 這只咖啡的 雲端烘焙曲線。在手機,PDA 上 看到雲端資料庫 裡頭的 烘焙曲線。帶手機 出門 就可以 連接上 任何一台 Queen Box, 進行烘焙。代理人 在烘焙室 的操作紀錄,我也看得到了。你email 烘焙曲線 給我, 我可以在手機上 匯入曲線檔案,然後閱讀曲線。如果 你跟我 都有PDA版 的QRS, 在世界各地,只要有網路,我們就可以即時討論對方的曲線。即使雙方都在行動當中,都不在烘焙機前 也可以收取和閱讀 對方的曲線。如果 我能解讀 你的曲線,望聞問切,大概就知道 您的咖啡風味。如果,有人上網販賣 QRS烘焙曲線 ,我在手機裡就可以 買到,看到。然後回到烘焙機前,照著曲線再烘一次。如果 你上網賣咖啡也賣曲線 給全世界的 烘焙者。他手上也有免費的 QRS 閱讀軟體。你覺得能夠賣出多少?網路的世界,無遠弗屆。無名小卒 會輸給 大咖嗎?如果 有人把 曲線和咖啡 配對賣, 你會不會 想要買來喝喝看?假如 有一只APP 版本功能 只能夠閱讀QRS曲線. 不能烘焙。它卻是免費的! 能夠閱讀你賣給他的 咖啡和曲線。全世界有多少人會想要 嚐試 你的咖啡,看你的曲線?如果 那咖啡 是有烘焙履歷,有完整的生豆風味介紹。我會 願意花錢,「閱讀」全世界的咖啡。喝咖啡,看曲線。